Tuesday 3 April 2012

Spring River

Spring river, spring river,
Showing her tears from winter,
Fierce, fast, and full of fury,
Her friends looking so dreary,
Surrounded by trees of dead,
T’was as if she had said,
There’s no life here anymore,
‘Cept when you look at her shore,
There’s definitely signs of life,
That have survived winter’s strife,
We all know it won’t be long,
For her friends to become strong,
As her rushing rapids release their sting,
She has shown her first sign of spring.

                                                                      Ron McNabb

Monday 2 April 2012

Serene River

She seems so still and calm,
Relaxing, restful, and renewing,
Bringing peace to my thirsty soul,
Yet underneath her peaceful surface,
A cache of life does flow,
Her current sometimes fast,
Her current sometimes slow,
Is important for the teeming life below,
This just proves to us all,
That nothing in life is as it seems,
Inside us can be as buzzing bees,
Just as long as we remember,
To take time to be serene.

                                    Ron McNabb

I have wanted to create a blog for sometime now, but never knew what to base it on. Well, I have finally figured it out! As the name of my blog suggests, my blog will be all about poetry through photograhy. I have enjoyed photography for many years now, I have decided to combine it with what I am learning about in my English night school classes. Welcome to my blog and I hope you will find my photos and writing as interesting as I do.